Monday, February 6, 2017

Thirsty Planet lecture and adjustment plans

These are developed designs for the Thirsty planet campaign, but I feel with a lot of work to go feedback was needed, and I was so happy to be able to get feedback directly from their marketing director due to the lecture

Feedback from table

'fresh looking design work'- beneficial for the audience to see them in this way, a refreshing water with a refreshing design approach
'unlike any other water brands'- very happy to hear this, but i do need to delve into more market research and compare other brands and why water is branded the way it is which I will get on to.
'some of the designs look very 60's inspired' - the style era is a personal favourite that I tend to get in to whilst working freely but needs to be avoided for this campaign as the era has no relation and might give people already existing connotations.
'make body text more legible due to dark parts on background' - something I am definetley looking to change as I completely agree. The taglines and the titles were put together to fit the phrase and taken directly from their website, but new design approaches need to be put together to ensure it is legible as possible.
'design reminds me of a water fountain' - this is something I really hoped would be noticed, and is the way I have worked with the unity symbols frame and water splashes to give the campaign an energetic flair which will be kept.
Feedback from Thirsty Planet marketing director who I approached after her really insightful useful lecture which had already guided me in to knowing how to improve my designs and really understand and build on the brands determination and drive to create a positive branding and campaign.
'exactly what we're looking for' - in terms of a creative flair, which she says is why Thirsty Planet wanted to work with YCN as more artistic outcomes are the outcome. Was really uplifting to hear this from her, although they need a lot more work, the general direction I am going in seems to be right.
'very colourful and pattern based- look at Milawi's women's celebration clothes' - this is perfect as it is something I had considered, as in the lecture it was made clear, they want the brand to be about the charity work and the good the donations is doing especially in Milawi. The colour scheme is already informed by the flag colours, but it is an exciting development opportunity to look at the clothes they wear as I am aware they are very bold and patterned. This is an informed key to developing these further and could solve legibility and overdetailed issues. Altogether she seemed enthusiastic about what she was seeing and we shared the same positive outlook on the brand and knowing this needs to be represented in the campaign for the competition.

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