Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Brief 4- Colour pallette choice

The market for mink eyelashes is very female dominated, meaning this is the target audience. As seen through popular instagram pages where these are bought, a lot of pink and feminine targeted language is used prompting the pink colour to be used to grab the attention of this demographic. Red on pink alerts the seriousness of the issue whilst being appropriate in representing female vanity in this sector.

Red alerts the viewer this is an important message that is serious, and puts the attention on the sign it is expressing which is that mink fur is animal cruelty. 'You can use red to create an energizing, heating effect, a powerful presence or an attention grabber. Yet the color is also a stop sign and can communicate aggression, warning and danger.'

Pink creates the empathy with the mink and makes it aesthetically pleasing to those in the beauty community which is for the most part with false eyelashes, women. This makes it a call out targeted at the women buying mink lashes and for the young female demographic to be aware of the problem. It also balances the campaign out as being too aggressive using red, so this balances that out. 'Pink is a tint of red and therefore has also a physical effect, yet it is more soothing than stimulating. This lower intensity can evoke compassion, happiness, warmth and tranquility.'

  • Pink: Evokes feelings of hope, romanticism, and empathy.
  • Red: Evokes immediate needs and strong feelings such as love, anger, and warning. Can portray energy in a positive, friendly way or a negative, aggressive way.

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