Monday, April 2, 2018

Brief 4: Image development for enamel pin

1.The text is too wide and doesn't fit well in the shape
2. Making the pin outlined with the initial design makes an unappealing shape

After these experiments weren't succesful I tried changing the typeface as the one I chose was very wide. On sites such as punky pinks as well as the Jessica Walsh 'pins won't save the world', the same thin handwritten type is used as it fits in words legibly.

This is a relatable example of how the pin should be simple and contrast to get most legibility for protest purpose

Using a heart shape is intended to provoke empathy with the animal, in relation to it's 'cute' illustration style. This creates sympathy for the campaign and makes the pin aesthetically pleasing and bold whilst being worn, as the shape is well recognized and the eye is drawn to it.

A poll on Instagram favoured the brown mink over the pink mink as they said it might not be clear what the animal is- eventually just knew to keep it as a cute mink without text as it is still part of the project and is supporting the cause, and creates affection for minks.

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