Saturday, April 14, 2018

Brief 4- Evaluation

Eager to design and learn to work in a variety of formats, I wanted to produce pieces of design that were a collective identity and were a positive campaign. I was surprised wearing mink fur eyelashes weren’t as protested so I envisioned this as a similar project and demographic to Lush’s protest merchandise which allows the sharing of protest through clothing.With this project, initial sketches were crucial as there were different compartments to the pack. I struggled a lot more with designing an enamel badge than I thought! Working with typography in specific shape formats is hard at first, but this again taught me that simplicity is key. Through visual research this became especially true also.

It was important to recognise the main elements of protest through type and imagery- easy to digest, legible enough to see from a distance/moving. All slogans were typed in thick type in red to alarm the audience. Then a feminine pink was added along with cuter visual references to make the pack wearable, as this is important with the wider audience.A huge aim of this project was to get all of these individual pieces created, but I could not find anywhere that would make one or two of each as samples. Seeing the mink as a pin, the badges, patches would have definetley made the project better as there are material considerations (which I tried to incorporate through mockup). Although I mocked the products up I am not at my happiest, not having them actually made. This was due to large quantities I would have to order which wasn’t practical. In future this would be a consideration, if I could actually produce physical products

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