Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Research brief 10- Questions for primary research

To get a more rounded and informed design decision on the pull up banners created to be put up at support groups to elevate the environment, getting more primary research from those treating/helping people with mental health issues and also speaking to people with mental health issues who may have experience.

Questions to ask another person in mental health sector/art therapy-Reactions to different surrounding eg. white walls vs decorated
-Ask what patients/groups paint/draw to relieve tension and stress from mental health issues
-Do they think design can make the process easier even if patients don't consciously realise?
-Is there any evidence to back this up?

I have to be aware that this is intended for support group meet ups where mental health problems may not be as severe as schizoprenia etc.

Could also ask volunteers who have gone to therapy or suffer with mental health problems what colours/features in environments would make them feel more at ease to discuss their feelings.

I have emailed a lady who runs an art therapy blog with a lot of following, and also a local charity (Inkwell Arts) associated with Mind who have workshops and sessions, which most likely use pull up banners also, or at least consider art/design which is put up in the space to elevate the process.

I have also gained a potential contact via LinkedIn

Unfortunately Studio Myerscough didn't get back to me.

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