Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Research Brief 10: Art Therapy stats/website

'As with most any therapy, art as therapy is generally used as a treatment for something – usually as a way to improve one’s emotional state or mental well-being. Expressive arts therapy doesn’t have to be used only as a treatment though. It can be used to relieve stress or tension, or it can be used as a mode of self-discovery. '


'Purple utilizes both red and blue to provide a nice balance between stimulation and serenity that is supposed to encourage creativity. Light purple is said to result in a peaceful surrounding, thus relieving tension.
Are you looking for a peaceful and calming environment? You might consider using green and/or blue. These cool colors are typically considered restful. There is actually a bit of scientific logic applied to this – because the eye focuses the color green directly on the retina, it is said to be less strainful on your eye muscles.

The color blue is suggested for high-traffic rooms or rooms that you or other people will spend significant amounts of time. Another cool color, blue is typically a calming and serene color, said to decrease respiration and lower blood pressure. '

On discussions in comments below this section, one professional speaks of how one of their patients in art therapy expressed sadness through painted colours of the blue family. I would avoid using all blue for these designs as it can be perceived as sad.

I wanted to find out the most typical outcomes of the patients in art therapy but this is hard to find online so I will contact an art therapist just to see if there is any information I can get informed by their practice.

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