Thursday, April 12, 2018

Research project 10 - Responses

Through a staff member at university via Linkedin I was directed to chat to Phill who is a visual artist who has worked in art therapy and with mentally ill patients. I really wanted primary research from a professional in the field to get some pointers on what would be appropriate for the pull up banner designs.

-What have patients/groups painted or drawn to alleviate tension and stress from mental health issues? Colours, shapes?

i can’t think of anything specific. when i worked with students with mental ill health they made pieces like anyone else would; so ’normal’ things. there were some who were seriously ill and their artwork would reflect that.

-From your experience, do you believe an environments design such as colours, quotes etc can make people with mental health issues feel better- any examples of this from your experience?
environments in mh tend to be very dull, institutional, tired, bland, unimaginative. i think we all benefit from positive environments. i remember reading when my children were very young that being in a green environment would help a crying/distressed baby. there’s an artist Sutapa Biswas, who’s on facebook, who painted a mural in a hospital room, covering the walls with images of plants. having the artwork made by patients themselves on the walls is always a very positive move.

-If you were to envision 'happy/positive/uplifting' design in your head what would this look like? And from your experience, do you think there is a universal design that can apply to everyone to make happy?

as i said above, the colour green comes to mind and a cheese plant-like shape. the emoji of a smiling face is a universal image

-Any examples of design that come to mind thinking of this task?

Sutapa Biswas
Image result for sutapa biswas hospitalImage result for sutapa biswas hospital
Image result for studio ghibli sceneryImage result for studio ghibli scenery

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