Monday, April 30, 2018

Research brief 10 - Linoprint experiments

Print vs. digital ads

'In many cases a mix of media will be the best solution. Effective print ads will drive digital purchases. '

Although this is not intended for a buying service, I want the colours and feature of the pull up banners to affect the group in a positive way, making them take note of the intended relaxing addition to the environment. Testing print is a way of attempting this.

1. relaxing getaway, not too about plants, subtle, blends too much blue. could be sad
2.beach, pool, floating rings in pool, beach balls, good colours. although holiday connotations because of the leaves could seem strange, holidays or exotic places with pools/seas are very relaxing to people
3.more calming than all blue, tactile with whites. combination of digital and handwrendered gives it the honesty of print

Feedback was great on these experiments and I have figured not to use all blue, and seeing which layers go together. I feel like number 2's soft shapes really work in creating almost bubble like shapes along with the underlay of leaves which peers said could transform the room in to calm without looking too much about nature, or looking to rigid as digital.

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