Sunday, March 25, 2018

Brief 10 research project- Own research in CBT therapy rooms/waiting rooms

Having had a stint recently in CBT myself I was curious to see what the environment looked like, and was decorated. I noticed most strongly that they were all white walls with framed photography of peaceful/solemn of plants, black and white landscapes typically, and then in the bathroom- framed images of sweets?!' In the waiting room, contemporary fine art abstract piece.

Unfortunately I ended my treatment after two sessions and didn't get round to asking my counsellor why these were put up on the walls but came to my own assumptions

-Peaceful, thoughtful photography to make person being councelled calmer

-Unrelatable to problems, therefore no emotional response to the images

-Something to look at as everything else was just blank

Being the patient, to me these

-Felt quite depressing and solemn
-Looked misplaced and confused (especially sweets in the bathroom)
-werent uplifting or inspiring
-didnt give a positive environment experience.

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