Monday, March 19, 2018

Brief 4: Slogans and initial sketches

My fur not yours
Fur free flutter
Slay your makeup not minks
Rethink mink
Fur free babe (in feedback it was said this could be seen in a more perverse way????also genderises) so perhaps 'fur free' with eyelashes included to emphasise the context and doesn't genderise.
Mink free blink
Think about the mink

These are sketched ideas exploring compositions and what phrase and content can be applied between patches/pins/tote bags/badges.

The mink itself saying 'my fur not yours' on a pin would be exciting to explore with composition and the linework of the vector as pins have deep ridges, and are usually more illustrative than patches. For the patch, 'RETHINK MINK' with eyelash eyes, a key trend currently and straightforward slogan.

For badges and stickers, 'FUR FREE' with a fake eyelash central directs viewer to what the campaign is about and again allows bold text showing support and protesting for the campaign.

For a tote bag there is more room to work with at a more a4 size, meaning I can experiment more with typography styles with eyelash details. A suggestion was to do this kind of type in the shape of a mink which referrs back to the point in an engaging illustrative way but allowing the phrase to speak for itself. For tote bags to be worn every day, the design is an important factor as seen in research imagery they are well designed and versatile important as well as the campaign.

My text in eye experiments are too similar to Jessica Walsh's which I experimented the idea from, working best for her campaign but for this the key components are eyelashes and minks ofcourse.

Making the mink as 'cute' as possible is important to create empathy as well as encouraging those who enjoy collecting more aesthetically pleasing and ;cute' merch to support the campaign. This style shows the innocence of the minks and creates a relation with them having eyelashes on.

The hardest part was creating the silouhette of the mink illustration for the pin to work well for a pin shape whilst fitting the text around it in a legible way. Once the stronger ones are vectorised I can experiment with typography styles as I am stronger in digital typography rather than drawing for designs with less space. The tote bag will be more personalised with hand drawn type which in my sketch would work well with the tote bag canvas.

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