Thursday, March 22, 2018

Brief 5: Art Pass initial designs

I followed one of the grids in the project pack which allowed a full image to be worked around with the text on the edges. The titles I have come up for I felt were important to be at the top to grab the attention of students and fit with the content of the illustration by my collaborator, following strict guidelines on text size and distances of their art pass and art fund logos at the bottom as well as directing the viewer to the website where the artpass is available.

This stage tests the continuity of the images and the chosen grid layout. As my collaborator chose colours used within their campaigns for illustrations, being able to follow the colour pallette grid was a lot easier and following the primary colours to allow the writing to stand out was not too bad.

For continuity of layout a couple of illustrations were changed in size or flipped to allow most of the space possible to be behind text to not cover any illustrated detail. These will be sent over to my collaborator for possible movement of illustration vectors to suit the layout and colour changes?

I found that once the text had been placed and the title could be easily changed this set up an easier task of knowing where the image behind would flow best and colours can amplify the campaigns art direction and stand out in the student market.

These are with the grid in slight opacity to show where I am coming from with compositions of text and images.

I have forwarded these to my collaborator to let her know what framework we are working within and to experiment with colour slightly more to help them pop off the page a little more as I'm worred about them looking washed out in comparison to student led campaigns.

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