Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Brief 9: Own references for girls magazine design

This project is so fun to work on as I used to love the types of magazines Erin has shown she wants for her photography. Refreshing my memory on the design when actually starting to put it together is useful. Common themes and to work with are...

-Shapes such as flowers, hearts and stars
-Handwriting type and then big bold emphasized shouted words
-mixtures of typefaces

Image result for sugar magazineImage result for girl magazine quizzes
Image result for girl magazine quizzesImage result for sneak magazine

These are all nostalgic reference points me and Erin both share from experience and for this project.
I discussed the similar style of combining the young girls magazines with sarcasm and tongue in cheek humour like Erin's writing and direction for this go in, and we agreed her text and images would make the combination and the outcome would be similar but a lot more pink as her images are very bubblegum 90's nostalgia.

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