Thursday, March 8, 2018

Brief 8: Swirls final identity experiments


The branding in feedback, did give off Ice Cream branding but the Title 'Swirls' needed to be more experimental for the ice cream market and the fun nature of the concept.

                   Looks too retro and already done for todays market            not as strong

Makes it look strictly for children                     Decreases clean design quality and not enough room

It was suggested I made the Swirls more cursive and swirly to really enhance the branding- I'd really like to hand draw the title but calligraphy isn't one of my strong points. Want to avoid gimmicky.

Image result for mr whippyImage result for 60s ice cream
Following feedback excitement of making this a nostalgic brand identity similar to when ice cream is most hyped, in ice cream vans (mr whippy) and the introduction to mainstream in the 60's, looking at these references can help.

Ways to innovate packaging nostalgiaRelated image

Dispenser- however this may be too difficult to stack on supermarket shelves where this brand is intended on the market.

Image result for screwball ice cream

Although supermarkets do these in their own brands on occasion, there isn't a mainstream screwball kind of packaging. Only issue again is the shape and how this would be packaged unless in a box which I want to avoid, so this stands out immediately.

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