Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Brief 6: Penguin Submission and Evaluation

As a designer I enjoy working on posters and designs that are a forefront, so book covers are very exciting to work on as I believe consumers do judge a book by it's cover, as I do, and the restricted space is a chance to tell a story and set the tone.

To challenge myself a little more for third year, I chose to do adult non fiction instead of a fantasy title or a children's book cover which I gravitate to as I enjoy non serious/minimal design in which I can illustrate or use bright colour for typically. This drew me in as a more formal design to do, but yet having such a fascinating author and subject to focus on.

The brief asked of bold typography which I wanted to focus on instead of a loud image. The design is inspired by market research of similar titles and it's photographs inside. Images of our universe are often used as the covers when not portraits of Hawking, so creating a subtle universe image only using darks and highlights, along with shapes/illustrations of diagrams related to physics as a subtle but recognizably related and relevant would be an easier background to add the text to.
Using white which contrasts the most with this really thick and modern typeface brings this best selling edition in to the future from past covers. The contrast means this contemporary design would look strong in it's book section whilst instantly and easily communicating the physics theme, as the book is favourited for doing. It is a best seller for giving the information on such a complex subject simply and I wanted the design to reflect this.

I am really happy with the result and having more of a modernist, clean design for my portfolio. There are still a lot of details but a lot more subtle which I am going to take forward with future designs as I try and polish them more for a professional looking portfolio. I am glad I challenged myself by picking a category out of my comfort zone.

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