Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Brief 6: Penguin book award artist inspirations

James R Eads

Although a work of non- fiction, Hawkin's subject matter does provoke excitement wonder and imagination which in a similar cosmic style, could be represented on the cover as a different perspective to existing covers.

The work of Cavolo instantly had me interested and amazed at the sharp, magical surrealist illustrations that give wether it be a poster/book a fantasy world before even reading. Working in a similar style for the Hawkins cover would be intended to show the complex beauty of Hawkin's theories and work. 'This book marries a child's wonder to a genius's intellect. We journey into Hawking's universe, while marvelling at his mind' The Sunday Times

Previous covers are very academic and intellectual, which is completely understandable and expected. The take I want to have on this is to create more of a wonder on his theories on the universe and an imaginative concept that will draw in other audiences that may not be swayed only by his name and previous covers

A design that can excite consumers to read it and realize the absolute mind blowing ideas that come from Hawkins about our universe- adult is the target audience, but to modernize the ever growing and saturated adult sections would be worth doing.

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