Sunday, February 25, 2018

Brief 8: Packaging feedback and new direction

Overall, the feedback of the design was that it was simple but very bold and the swirls would make sense for Vienetta due to its famous pattern.
-strong branding
-the typefaces you have used are strong and balance well together to be consumer friendly whilst standing out in the ice cream isle, as a lot of ice cream packaging is very loud type wise
-Type being slanted and warped makes it look like an ice cream brand as many other popular of the brands do this to make the packaging more exciting, and it makes it less rigid and approachable for younger audiences too.

Critiques I got however were
-ice cream packaging usually has an image of the product on it so buyers know what they are purchasing
-Make sure the colour pallette works well together, as this example is so bright they could clash.
-Print the mockups to make sure they work

-'Might be better to create your own brand rather than redesigning an existing one' This feedback was from a collaborator who is a graphic designer in Bath. Since I have seen him do such good work I take this feedback seriously, and see potential in creating a concept brand with this style packaging and even making them in to ice cream tubs instead.
From this feedback I am changing the packaging style to ice cream tubs of a new brand identity 'Swirls', a concept of ice cream with thick swirls.

These are the tests for the new branding which in feedback were praised for simplicity but having a strong enough brand identity/strong colour making them more fun for younger audiences as well. Just on the tub, I need to add part of the ice cream itself.

I experimented by adding a swirl on the tub but peers preferred the simpler design which I will stick with. Too much pattern going on makes the packaging clash.

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