Saturday, February 10, 2018

Brief 3: Final Manchester Posters and descriptions

1. His image fading away as his grandma is dying. Also in reference to 'i know i'll see your face again'
2. For this more mad crazy electronic song, I wanted to capture the image of one of the ravers at that time it came out at the Hacienda with all the lights dancing and jumping around, vision slightly blurry but they are very much enjoying the tune! The video lines are added for nostalgic effect, and as videos I have seen of the raves at the time were on VHS where my idea came from.

3. A very obvious but 'twist' on the famous line which I wanted to be bold and punchy, shouting the line that everyone knows!
4. After trying out illustrations and more on brand oasis experiments, I went with this very simple typographic piece with his words tailing off in to a sky-like crackle background of bright blue skies. His lyrics give off a dreamer who is perhaps a bit high and over his head which is why the text tails off high up.

5. Simple typographic piece representing the lyrics of life passing him by, already having gone in a different direction and fading away.

6. Experimenting with my personal illustration, I had envisioned a mother nature figure bursting out of waterfall showing strength.

7. His lyrics/feelings trampled on in the dirt. The texture was used to mimick an old outdated poster many seen in Manchester, with their logo in the centre giving it more of a rock/punk mood.

8. Presenting the famous lyrics got green eyes/oh youve got blue eyes/ oh youve got grey eyes. His infactuation with her is shown against a very over the top 80's galaxy background. The eyes felt very 80s to me also as I wanted to emphasise the decade the song came out.

9. Originally the same blue as the album cover for this track, I went with this and it's background as it is still a morbid Smiths song but has a more upbeat poppy instrumental which I wanted to contrast with the expression of morrisey dancing in the background and the bright colours, against the serious song. The video lines which stretch out show the tears in the happy facade he has on and the lyrics added add the serious tone.

10. I have always loved pin up posters when they are used for events/posters and it felt perfect for this song as a woman losing control seems to be a hollywood favourite. Therefore I used her as a female archetype figure with everything fragmented/melting/breaking away as she's losing control, editing the image so her face is distressed. The text is deliberately not as legible as it isn't easy to understand why she has lost control.

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