Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Brief 7: Festival brand identity inspirations and considerations- STUDIO MOROSS

I have forever been in love with the Parklife branding...the contemporary other worldy brand identity and its promotional material is outstanding in grabbing the attention of its target audience, the same as mine. Using illustrations animations etc, it makes you want to go to the festival. As this is a holiday festival concept this excitement needs to be incorporated.

The crazy amount of detail can be used in a brief like this as it is all about variety, fun, about being a bit messy and having a wild time, especially with travelling involved!

Studio Moross even went as far to create their own bespoke typefaces making the brand identity truly unique and recognizable which is something to consider.

they do it again with more launch campaigns for events, using attractive vibrant colours and fun compositions that make the events look busy, vibrant and somewhere to let loose while being identifiable and easy to read!

I will be focusing on promo posters, brand identity, the wristband, copyrighting etc, social media ads/gifs?
First I need a colour palette to work with which represents holiday and exciting travel/music posters which is exciting and transferable

As i am working alone for this I will attempt to stretch the brand identity as far as these but with time management in consideration, will look to simpler ways of creating it.

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