Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Brief 9: Meeting with collaborator for editorial photography magazine

I was directed by a peer towards this project as she had worked with her and said our work was very similar in terms of femininity and subject matter. I also want a piece of editorial within my portfolio to show versatility if going for certain jobs.

As seen through my body posi zine using bratz as references for influence on body image as young women, this photographer also referrs to childhood influence through hyper feminine objects and aesthetics such as dolls and colour. I wanted to take this on as a fun editorial project in which I can help another student with their portfolio, and build on this nostalgic 90's girl style together.

It is a challenge as I have a lot of briefs but this will only help prepare me for graduate jobs. I will follow her guidelines within the brief and my own knowledge/influences on the style which we will share back and forth.

The Brief:
Front page

I have attached an image that I would like for the front cover and also a font that I think would look cool for the title! I would love some illustrated flowers and other girly little things dotted around the page (I really like the look of 3 little hearts like under the ‘top 10 tips for moving out’ title on the sketch! The title for the full project is ‘Homesick’ so that as a header would be perfect

Things I would like stated on the front page

-       ‘FREE STICKERS’ with a little pic of what stickers they are
-       ‘What kind of grown up will you be?’ quiz inside
-       Top 5 tips for moving out 


What Kind of grown up will you be quiz (where will you be in 5 years on the sketch but think the new title sounds better) I have attached all the answers and questions in a image called QUIZ on the email! Again, just make the page really girly and fun, maybe the boxes could be hearts and stuff?? Up to you!

Top 5 tips for moving out page

I’ve changed it from 10 to 5 because I couldn’t think of loads hahaha! I havn’t done a sketch of this page, but probably similarly to the others just really girly. Maybe add in some of my images? I can always make some more images to go with these if it helps! Maybe some half empty bottles of washing up liquid or something ahah.

Tip 1 – Make sure you have enough money to pay your rent! Its all well and good spending your money on cheap rose and ubers until its end of third year and you have no money and no place to live and you have to work in Greggs

Tip 2 – Make sure your roommate isn’t a cunt! Its all well and good seeing your friends every week at spoons, but when your have to deal with them bitching about the amount of washing up liquid that has been used since they bought it, it’s a different story

Tip 3 – Don’t move into a student house! They are fucking grim.

Tip 4 – Don’t get your hopes up. If you have a good home life and your parents love you, know that nobody is going be bringing you a brew in the morning once you move out and nobody will put the heating on before you get up, you will be freezing and brewless.

Tip 5 – Try not to worry about all this too much? If you are in second year of uni or lower, don’t worry about all this for a while. If you are in third year…I’m sorry.

Happy with whatever for the other pages, just follow the sketches and I am happy for you to add in all of your own flare and ideas in aswell! Thanks so much again for all this!!

Erin  x

These are what she sent over and quick sketches and magazine references for style. 

In meeting up she gave me freedom to experiment with adding detail, trying different shapes different typefaces as she trusts me with knowing her design vision which is really humbling and exciting!

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