Friday, February 2, 2018

Brief 4:Lush campaign direction

Can use protest imagery direct from their website to represent their audience

Can interview 3 Lush employees I know, as they all speak very passionately about the brand they work for and receive intense training in to Lush's brand values which I can learn about from them. can identify upcoming products or campaigns they may be briefed about to link campaign to.

The smell of change- protest imagery for campaigns, totebags
Bath Bombs for change (link to charity pot)
Drop the bomb on '...'

Looking at protest events coming up in the UK to link to-
'Stand up to Racism'- ongoing prevalent one, very current internationally with tensions high
LOVE ALL COLOURS (as they are instantly recognisable for their multi colour products)
tensions are higher due to brexit decision so this is very relevant for UK

Other ideas-
Glitter harming the environment
Mink hair eyelashes
Acid attacks

Can colour bomb products releasing recognizable strong smell of lush- colour bomb imagery

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