Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Quick Crit 06/02/18

Skateboarding- look at the way beers and IPA's are being packaged, as the designs are eye catching and are advertised in skate magazines, linking the target audience. For the design include old school tear tattoo symbol, use heads, illustrate and use colour so that parts are hidden as mental health issues aren't always visible especially if hidden

Packaging- Vienetta can link to a fun packaging design due to it's unique features and those I have discussed ideas with agree the packaging is very dated- rebrand for a new generation, add concept flavours to ambush the ben and jerrys/gelato market

Link gender fluid packaging to an existing brand to base the designs off, make very neutral/simple in design apart from makeup to emphasize that

Festival brief- Look at the parklife branding, they make it universal and not genre specific. Exciting and detailed, distinctive

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