Sunday, February 25, 2018

Brief Writeups

Brief 1: Create social media advertisements for a range of Fairypants’ cocktail perfume range showcasing the vegan ingredients whilst fitting her retro brand identity.

Brief 2: Design a zine and Instagram platform that shares the stories of overcoming body image issues and represents references to social media pressure and childhood connotations with body image in women.

Brief 3: Create a range of 10 graphic design posters that are my own interpretation of Manchester music setlist established by me and my outside collaborator.

Brief 4: Design a bold range of badges, patches, tote bags and pins that would be designed for a similar demographic as Lush customers, to combat and raise awareness against the use of mink fur for false eyelashes.

Brief 5: Working with an illustrator, work to the YCN Art Fund guidelines and brief to create a student targeted campaign that aims to get students to buy an Art Pass.

Small Brief 6: For the Penguin Book Award, create a book sleeve for Stephen Hawking's adult non-fiction book 'A Brief History of Time' following the briefing on the website which asks for strong typography and a contemporary take on the classic.

Brief 7: Design a strong exciting brand identity for pitched idea of an 'Ultimate' holiday festival with popular holiday surroundings and festival components.

Brief 8: Design a brand identity and packaging concepts for own concept brand ‘Swirls’ which combines contemporary and nostalgic branding to be a new market competitor.

Small Brief 9: Create publication for photography student which she wants edited as a 'girls magazine' displaying her work.

Brief 10 (research brief): Investigate and research what design can uplift those in low mental health states and create pull up banners for Frazzled Café sessions developed through this.

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