Sunday, March 19, 2017

Animal Charity for our greetings cards and final collab meeting

An animal charity that supports many animals internationally, with a charity not has controversial as PETA or as famous as RSPCA, working for this animal charity would be a huge incentive for buying our greetings set and an amazing connection for UK Greetings, and through research of the company I know they like to help where they can and have good hearted ethics as a company and are '

are proud of their corporate social responsibility.'

Our Responsibilty

'It’s really important to everyone at UK Greetings to have a good relationship with the community we’re part of. We support lots of charity events – there’s almost always some fundraising taking place in one department or another (bake sales are our favourite!) and we try to do all the right things to protect our local environment.' If so, this is another level of how they can use their brand to do good not just in local areas but across the world and goes hand in hand with their ethos. With our set, making people happy and helping to save animals across the world-win win!

Looked in to UK charities specifically, but due to the amazing cause of charities working for the protection of animals and variety we have in our collection, why restrict to one country when there are needs of aid all over the world.
- would be at back of card

UPDATE: after talk, we are going to want an endangered animals charity to be part of our collection as we have chosen animals all endangered and this is a cause consumers would, we feel, be very empathetic towards and appreciate the link. This organisation is also put together by Chester Zoo, giving it the UK link with UK Greetings and an association close to home and well known for consumers.

Echoes a similar style done by this designer, but with a stronger more confident animal focus with more empowering visual language which is the energy we want along with our colour scheme

Final talks aims
-now focusing on 4 endangered animals from our idea, will work with an endangered species animal charity and there is then more than one motive of buying cards and with animals trending on feel good cards, people can take for granted finding them cute and not have the realisation they are real animals facing dangers.
-Nanami will set the colour palette as I get too carried away putting many colours together
-My hand drawn typeface gave the design overall a child like look which isn't our aim. New typeface is feminine, hand drawn and thick enough to grab attention and elevate detailing on the card but sophisticated.
-I will put together the cards/notepad covers, Nanami will work on gift bags and repeat pattern wrapping paper as she can do repeat pattern

Overall, at this point we are quickly wrapping it up. We have had many discussions and ideas, and now they are going in the better direction which needs to be done before submission in a couple of days ideally so I can try to get designs printed and photographed. We are still undecided on making patches or pins with the card as feedback has been extremely mixed, but would be great to have something that makes us stand out from the crowd. Ideally would prefer work to be moving faster but for collaboration to be a successful collaboration, people need to be aware of the same information and directions headed.

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