Friday, March 24, 2017

Studio Brief 2 Research: Catcalling

Primary Research
Within previous experience of gathering primary research, I have found that offering a survey that keeps the contributer anonymous is more successful than posting and asking for feedback.

My survey on catcalling required the age, gender (to get a clear understanding of the balance of it happening to those I know and around me) and asking how they felt, how they feel it can be tackled and leaving room for other commentation. To get answers for this often sensitive issue, leaving room for comment and concerns is crucial as I am unaware of how the public (or at least those around me) would approach tackling the issue. I want to make my project with the spirit of eradicating catcalling, and finding out how the public think this can be done even with a small number gives me a decent indication and increases the justification of my outcome.

Secondary sources

Video research

There are many videos shared on social media and platforms such as Youtube, all experiments concluding predominantly women are catcalled walking down the street minding their own business. Two videos I found most interesting were when fathers and boyfriends were made to sit and watch videos that showed their daughter/girlfriends getting this harassment. Valuable exerts include:
'Thats so messed up. Yeah those people are scary...i'm glad that people are making it an issue and like, taking a stand for it'
'You've got to think, that's somebodies daughter, somebodies their mother their cousin or something, they wouldn't appreciate it'
'I'm getting pissed off...i'm not happy with this'

'Have some respect, you know? just have some respect'
'you have to respect a young girl walking on the street not come on so strong to her...that's upsetted me now- the way he talked, with no shame talking to her like this on the street without even knowing the young lady'
'our daughters and wife and mother are to be treated with respect'

These support my idea to lead the campaign in a way that grips the men like these videos show, referring to their loved ones. 

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