Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Feedback on OUGD505

Amazing self arranged crit with a lot of important topic discussions in which I could speak directly to some guys in our class to get a non bias gender opinion which is really important to my research.


-pattern of the costume with '50 years' as focus
-'leeds'- each letter in a different pattern and colour of the carnival
-can encorporate marbling inks, collage and paint with traditional print techniques of lino and monoprint as I want to branch out of just using screenprint as I spent a lot of time doing it last term and really enjoy lino and monoprint
-Lino of '50 years' with monoprinted shapes mimicking costumes behind it
-find the 60's identity for the carnival to tie in with piece

-despite survey results, make gender neutral especially as existing material is very feminine
-dont come across as patronising or man hating in visual language used
-posters for public places, near but not within the stereotypical places assumed such as building sites as this may anger people
-use the words obtained in survey describing how it makes victims feel

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