Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hanami collaboation digital developments

Target audience similar as Paperchases female audience: teenage and young adult females

Have asked partner which route we should go down- mental health charity or endangered species of the uk. unfortunately she works weekends which means work cant be done immediately which I definetley understand, and believe it will be as soon as it can be!

Due to time limit, if we create patches or pins the easiest ways will to use the inkjet method of ironing the images on to fabric. As long as we can mock up these pins or patches to UK Greetings well, our idea will be easy to follow. To assess this is the right decision this was asked in the survey. Based on collected feedback, we didn't take the pins and patches idea forward.

Getting feedback from our target audience from mainly part of our audience 18 plus through sharing on Facebook allowed useful insight in to what this young generation wanted to see on greetings cards and their purpose. Unfortunately couldn't get feedback from young teenagers which would have been more useful alongside this sample.

beginning of combining Nanami's animal drawings with different patterns and type experiments. At first I hand drew the animal titles but this made the designs look immature which was what I wanted to avoid the most as it brings down the concept and style as having something more simply letting the phrases and animals grab your attention was important. It was important to experiment with each others ideas involving using the colours she had done versions of animals in, different type, hand drawn detail, background colours etc.

Before final editing, through one of my partners drawings we decided on having a wreath central and consistent throughout our designs giving a distinctive look and adding composition. When trying the new typeface used for an empathetic from the heart yet feminine flick to the design, we both agreed to make it less bold and she would redraw the final animals with the wreaths which would become to focus of the card overall, supporting the charitable link of the endangered animal and making them cute and appealing for buying purposes.

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