Saturday, March 11, 2017

Primary Research

Posters around university

Post on Facebook

Post on Leeds student/LCA member pages

I did not end up having to put up posters for feedback as I obtained really valuable feedback. The questions used were to identify the victims, target audience of my campaign, how catcalling made the victims feel, how they respond and what they think could be done to tackle the issue.


-Were predominantly females who responded (32/36), all of wom but one had been harassed.
-Ones who catcalled varied in age and description meaning a need for a public campaign non specific
-Age section is affected by where my survey is distributed as the majority of my friends on facebook are the majority age, and the LCA student page also

Have you ever been harassed (such as verbal comments, honking, whistling, kissing noises, leering/staring, groping, stalking, attempted or achieved assault, etc) while in a public place like the street, on public transportation, or in a store?

A few different instances. A day prior to this I was shouted at in a car by a group of girls who were probably under the influence of alcohol. I've had it previously in bars where I've been groped by women and even offered oral sex for drinks. When I was younger I was also assaulted by a male.
3/26/2017 12:26 PM View respondent's answers
All of above
3/25/2017 2:53 PM View respondent's answers
Received numerous catcalling in the streets. I also worked in a bar where I had to throw out at least 5 men for groping. Never anything violent, just men thinking its okay to say disgusting things and touch you inappropriately, especially older men 30+
3/25/2017 12:07 PM View respondent's answers
Wolf whistling, verbal comments about my outfit and appearance, groping in clubs, heckling in public places
3/25/2017 11:53 AM View respondent's answers
Touching in clubs, people telling me to smile, being very insistent on being around them, kissing me before having the chance to move away, boys not leaving me alone until lying about having a boyfriend, this generally happens in clubs, bars and pubs
3/25/2017 9:20 AM View respondent's answers
Verbal comments staring whistling in the streets at work and on stage
3/25/2017 6:32 AM View respondent's answers
Honking, and groping are regular occurrences when in town
3/25/2017 5:04 AM View respondent's answers
In the streets, markets, shops and sikh temples, drivers passing by, Indian weddings, school
3/25/2017 4:04 AM View respondent's answers
honking whistling staring just in streets walking home and things
3/25/2017 1:16 AM View respondent's answers
Honking and comments whilst walking down the street.
3/24/2017 7:18 PM View respondent's answers
All of the above. In clubs, bars, at school, in public, in restaurants, on a plane (among many)
3/24/2017 3:21 PM View respondent's answers
Just general wolf whistling
3/24/2017 2:10 PM View respondent's answers
Honking,staring whilst going virtually anywhere, on public transport, or in a store.
3/24/2017 12:55 PM View respondent's answers
Horns beeping men shouting out of car windows wolf whistlin
3/24/2017 12:41 PM View respondent's answers
Beeps from cars, comments on the street, groping in the club
3/24/2017 12:31 PM View respondent's answers
At work, on the street, shops, transport
3/24/2017 11:48 AM View respondent's answers
Honking, leeting/staring
3/24/2017 11:28 AM View respondent's answers
All of the above (apart from stalking)
3/24/2017 11:18 AM View respondent's answers
Whistling, kissing noises, honking, staring, verbal comments when walking down the street, when they're in cars
3/24/2017 11:15 AM View respondent's answers
Verbal comments, staring and groping on the streets on a night out and in secondary school
3/24/2017 11:06 AM View respondent's answers
Catcalling, people taking pictures of my ass and making gestures behind my back
3/24/2017 11:04 AM View respondent's answers
Walking home, whistles/shouting from cars on the road
3/24/2017 10:55 AM View respondent's answers
All of the above
3/24/2017 10:43 AM View respondent's answers
Literally today, I was walking to uni and these three men mowing some grass on a park were whistling at me and shouting"oi beautiful" until I turned around and told them to shut up
3/24/2017 10:33 AM View respondent's answers
Verbal comments, honking, whistling, kissing noises, staring, verbal assult, slapped on the bum. In town, on streets, on a night out, public transport and whist walking on the street someone from a car slowed down just to harrass me
3/24/2017 10:30 AM View respondent's answers
Honking, cars driving past slowly full of men who stare at you in an intimidating way. Groping in clubs/ bars (a lot of ass groping!)
3/24/2017 10:28 AM View respondent's answers
In my town had some guy pull up and try and give me a lift when I was waiting at the bus stop, beeped horns and whistled in leeds
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers
Catcalling, shouting, normally from cars
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers

What is your age?

  • Answered: 36 
  • Skipped: 0

How did you feel, or if response was no, how do you feel about catcalling?

  • Answered: 36 
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Showing 36 responses
3/26/2017 3:37 PM View respondent's answers
It depends on which circumstance. The most recent event I found amusing as the girls were obviously out of it and naive as hell. However on previous occasions when people have been more aware of what they're doing is something that's made me feel vulnerable and degraded. As humans when we've had a drink we're susceptible to be loud and outspoken, but making another human being uncomfortable in the process is a step too far. In my eyes, catcalling is essentially some kind of egotistical boost for the individual partaking, preying on others vulnerability.
3/26/2017 12:26 PM View respondent's answers
its annoying and puts people on the spot, but at the same time i would take a confidence boost from it
3/26/2017 3:32 AM View respondent's answers
Angry, uncomfortable
3/25/2017 2:53 PM View respondent's answers
I don't like knowing that these men are thinking about me is a derogatory way, nor do I like them thinking they've won, in the sense that they are the ones who make the decisions - with catcalling The time a really old man had hold of me for a bit too long, and I was so shaken I cried for ages and got sent home.
3/25/2017 12:07 PM View respondent's answers
The experience made me feel very upset and confused. I was also bemused in some situations that I was a distraction people so much they feel the need to comment/heckle me. Each time it happens to me I feel as though I need to resolve the situation with appropriate action
3/25/2017 11:53 AM View respondent's answers
It is grotesque and disrespectful towards the victimized.
3/25/2017 11:03 AM View respondent's answers
You can tell that these people don't know the difference between a compliment and cat calling, it's worrying that they don't know/don't care that they make people feel uncomfortable. It's normalized harassment
3/25/2017 9:20 AM View respondent's answers
Undervalued on stage as a female musician
3/25/2017 6:32 AM View respondent's answers
3/25/2017 5:04 AM View respondent's answers
Catcalling always makes me angry, I hate being seen as an object. Depending on where I am I can also feel unsafe, especially in crowded places. In India I have always felt unsafe and ensured I was with someone else everytime I left the house as there's many cases of rapes and gang rapes and assault in India which happen in public places but people choose to not step in. Once I've been stalked to a sikh temple by another sikh man when I was just 15 and the man might be in his 30s. This made me feel angry too as a religious place is meant to be sacred and I felt uncomfortable by the fact that such old men harass young girls. Even the priest in the temple used to look at the girls in inappropriate manners according to many people while he's supposed to be a good role model, I just find it pathetic.
3/25/2017 4:04 AM View respondent's answers
they should be able to just because we are girls they don't have the right to whilst and shout at us touch us or anything just coz there guys
3/25/2017 1:16 AM View respondent's answers
Intimidated, disgusted and harassed. When I expressed this to someone I was told I should be flattered. Also on one occasion kissing noises and comments were made in your face while I was walking along holding my boyfriend's hand. Completely bizarre.
3/24/2017 7:18 PM View respondent's answers
Embarrassed and violated
3/24/2017 3:38 PM View respondent's answers
It's totally unnecessary and makes me really angry with the person who's done it. A compliment is fine but leering/beeping horn/making a sexual comment/grabbing is not.
3/24/2017 3:21 PM View respondent's answers
It's fucking gross
3/24/2017 2:12 PM View respondent's answers
I think it's intimidating
3/24/2017 2:10 PM View respondent's answers
3/24/2017 2:06 PM View respondent's answers
3/24/2017 12:55 PM View respondent's answers
3/24/2017 12:41 PM View respondent's answers
Annoy and me and make me feel grossed out
3/24/2017 12:31 PM View respondent's answers
Embarrassed, scared and cheap
3/24/2017 11:48 AM View respondent's answers
I think it's disgracful and makes me and many other women very uncomfortable and there is no need for it. I don't understand why men do it, like what do they expect out of doing it? Is it domiance, fear i don't know but it makes me very uncomfortable and needs to stop.
3/24/2017 11:28 AM View respondent's answers
If im in public I feel embarrassd and then annoyed as I really hate it! If it's somewhere more secluded e.g. A back road or somewhere dark I feel scared.
3/24/2017 11:19 AM View respondent's answers
Scared and vulnerable
3/24/2017 11:18 AM View respondent's answers
Vulnerable and scared
3/24/2017 11:15 AM View respondent's answers
Uncomfortable but at the time at school I felt like it was wrong to feel uncomfortable and I should feel flattered
3/24/2017 11:06 AM View respondent's answers
The lads just do it to boost their own ego, its kind of sad really
3/24/2017 11:04 AM View respondent's answers
It's just rude, sometimes makes me rather uncomfortable, makes others around uncomfortable too! They're just idiots for doing it, usually older guys too ??
3/24/2017 10:55 AM View respondent's answers
It makes me feel like a object for men to stare at and take advantage of, I feel embarrassed
3/24/2017 10:43 AM View respondent's answers
Angry, it's disrespectful and intimidating. Makes me feel really nervous and uneasy when I see a group of men
3/24/2017 10:33 AM View respondent's answers
Different things at different times but overall angry and vunrable
3/24/2017 10:30 AM View respondent's answers
Makes me mad, I find it intimidating and inappropriate because men do on average how strength over a woman, to be peered at by a stranger or shouted at can be scary
3/24/2017 10:28 AM View respondent's answers
It's disgusting.
3/24/2017 10:25 AM View respondent's answers
Scared about the car thing but otherwise just annoyed
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers
Uncomfortable, but that the catcallers were so gross
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers

How did you respond or how would you respond?

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Showing 36 responses
3/26/2017 3:37 PM View respondent's answers
When I was younger it was something that really upset me and made me feel very self conscious, so I ran away. More recently I've been more aware and thus told the individual that it wasn't acceptable behaviour and have reported it accordingly.
3/26/2017 12:26 PM View respondent's answers
with a "cheers" but continuing on my way
3/26/2017 3:32 AM View respondent's answers
Ignore it
3/25/2017 2:53 PM View respondent's answers
I stare at them and ignore them.
3/25/2017 12:07 PM View respondent's answers
I have been assaulted in a club and I immediately went to find a bouncer to resolve the situation. This is my usual course of action if i feel endangered by harrassment
3/25/2017 11:53 AM View respondent's answers
Belligerent verbal intervention, and if necessary, physical.
3/25/2017 11:03 AM View respondent's answers
Always politely, the thought of them pushing they're advances and or getting violent is not worth the risk of getting mad, which is terrible way to think
3/25/2017 9:20 AM View respondent's answers
SAID thankyou sarcastically
3/25/2017 6:32 AM View respondent's answers
I always jeer, swear, shame or flip off the person who is labelling me as a sexual object
3/25/2017 5:04 AM View respondent's answers
Whenever I've been around my family I didn't take action as I was afraid of what they will do the person or felt too embarrassed to share it with them. Whenever I've been to India I've told my young cousins about the harassment to make sure that they look after me, at one point when I was there I began to cover my face with a veil so men don't see me and because I was terrified of all the acid attacks that happen then but that here then I've gained the confidence to take pride in my beauty, I didn't need to oppress myself because of their mentality. Here in England I often respond by looking at the person straight in the eye and swearing at them. Once a man twice my age grabbed my arm on an evening, he was drunk and I just pushed him away shouting 'don't touch me' and this embossed him. In a club a man began touching my friend's and my leg and I pushed him away saying that this assault as he's doing it without our consent and he got embossed too. Responding to people in anger and shouting at them even they're physically invading my space seems to be the best strategy as it embarrasses their ego and they get scared of others looking at them.
3/25/2017 4:04 AM View respondent's answers
just ignore them
3/25/2017 1:16 AM View respondent's answers
Generally by giving them dirty looks and making it clear I didn't like it. I would like to be more vocal but usually I'm caught off guard and in shock. Also, it can be quite scary trying to stand up for yourself in those situations, especially when you're alone.
3/24/2017 7:18 PM View respondent's answers
Carried on walking
3/24/2017 3:38 PM View respondent's answers
Have poured drinks over people in clubs, flipped off van drivers and confronted passers by. Generally get quite angry haha
3/24/2017 3:21 PM View respondent's answers
Tell them them to fuck off/ show them my middle finger
3/24/2017 2:12 PM View respondent's answers
3/24/2017 2:10 PM View respondent's answers
Ignore it
3/24/2017 2:06 PM View respondent's answers
Tell them to shut up or go away.
3/24/2017 12:55 PM View respondent's answers
Shook my head Swore Laughed even though I shouldn't have
3/24/2017 12:41 PM View respondent's answers
Honks by cars make me jump haha but you can't say anything, comments in the street I just ignore and keep walking, groping i tell them to fuck off.
3/24/2017 12:31 PM View respondent's answers
Looked down and walked away quickly
3/24/2017 11:48 AM View respondent's answers
I usually just ignore it and move on.
3/24/2017 11:28 AM View respondent's answers
Usually just swear at them.
3/24/2017 11:19 AM View respondent's answers
just try to ignore it
3/24/2017 11:18 AM View respondent's answers
I just ignore it or pretend I didn't hear or notice
3/24/2017 11:15 AM View respondent's answers
Ignoring them
3/24/2017 11:06 AM View respondent's answers
Tell them to Fuck Off or give them a bitch look
3/24/2017 11:04 AM View respondent's answers
I just ignored it, there's not much you can do once they've driven past/ I would just give them a dirty look
3/24/2017 10:55 AM View respondent's answers
Walk away quickly out of sight of the person catcalling me
3/24/2017 10:43 AM View respondent's answers
Most of the time I ignore it and just blank them but today I turned round and said "shut up you're gross" hahaha I wish I'd said more
3/24/2017 10:33 AM View respondent's answers
Again different things at different times. The one time I told someone where to go after he made comments he turned nasty and starting shouting verbal abuse at me. Usually I just ignore it
3/24/2017 10:30 AM View respondent's answers
Usually throw them a really disgusted look their way and then walk a bit faster
3/24/2017 10:28 AM View respondent's answers
I'd give them a piece of my mind.
3/24/2017 10:25 AM View respondent's answers
Stick my finger up
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers
Ignored them
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers

What was the gender and age range of the harasser(s)? (Leave blank if not applicable)

  • Answered: 31 
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Showing 31 responses
When I was younger, 14. More recently middle aged individuals so maybe 30/40?
3/26/2017 12:26 PM View respondent's answers
Male 25+
3/25/2017 2:53 PM View respondent's answers
All between 30-50
3/25/2017 12:07 PM View respondent's answers
I have had men as old as 50 harrass me and I have been groped my men predominantly 18-25 year olds but also older men
3/25/2017 11:53 AM View respondent's answers
Male, always. I'd say anywhere between 20 and 40
3/25/2017 9:20 AM View respondent's answers
Male, 30ish
3/25/2017 6:32 AM View respondent's answers
I started getting harrassing from the age of 12 by men aged between 18 to 40, especially when I went to India. Today in clubs men aged between 20 to 40 try to invade my space.
3/25/2017 4:04 AM View respondent's answers
round about 20 maybe older
3/25/2017 1:16 AM View respondent's answers
Always male, age can range from 20s to 40s.
3/24/2017 7:18 PM View respondent's answers
24-30 cis white male
3/24/2017 3:38 PM View respondent's answers
No average age, anywhere between 18-50ish. Always men
3/24/2017 3:21 PM View respondent's answers
Men of all ages, a lot of builders/ wankers in shitty boy racer cars/ creeps in clubs you name it the threat of someone invading my personal space/ objectifying my body is a contrast thing in the back on my mind.
3/24/2017 2:12 PM View respondent's answers
Make , 30's at least
3/24/2017 2:10 PM View respondent's answers
Younger male
3/24/2017 2:06 PM View respondent's answers
Male and 24+
3/24/2017 12:55 PM View respondent's answers
Young men
3/24/2017 12:41 PM View respondent's answers
Like 25-35
3/24/2017 12:31 PM View respondent's answers
Male and all ages
3/24/2017 11:48 AM View respondent's answers
Male Age range:- one was in there late 40's the other one was 20's.
3/24/2017 11:28 AM View respondent's answers
If it happens during the day it's usually older 40+ men during the day but younger men on an evening.
3/24/2017 11:19 AM View respondent's answers
male and anywhere from around 12 to 68
3/24/2017 11:18 AM View respondent's answers
3/24/2017 11:15 AM View respondent's answers
Male and same age as me
3/24/2017 11:06 AM View respondent's answers
been everything
3/24/2017 11:04 AM View respondent's answers
Old guys, maybe 30+, usually white van drivers or young boys in shit cars
3/24/2017 10:55 AM View respondent's answers
Men and boys ranging from 15 to 40
3/24/2017 10:43 AM View respondent's answers
Men, ranging from 30-40
3/24/2017 10:33 AM View respondent's answers
All ages. Mostly late 20s to late 30s i think
3/24/2017 10:30 AM View respondent's answers
Anywhere where between 15/16 (even) to 60, its pretty broad
3/24/2017 10:28 AM View respondent's answers
Car thing - late thirties Leeds guys - twenties
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers
20-30 year old men
3/24/2017 10:23 AM View respondent's answers

How do you think catcalling can be tackled in our country?

  • Answered: 33 
  • Skipped: 3
Being less
More campaigning
Being less passive
Spreading awareness through more printed leaflets/booklets/publications

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

  • Answered: 8 
  • Skipped: 28
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Showing 8 responses
3/26/2017 12:26 PM View respondent's answers
i really dont feel catcalling is as big an issue as people make it out to be, there are more important social issues this country needs to work out like racism
3/26/2017 3:32 AM View respondent's answers
We need to teach boys at school about how to treat women. Start off young, old men don't want to know otherwise.
3/25/2017 12:07 PM View respondent's answers
I think children both boys and girls should be taught about this and how they should respond and keep themselves safe. I also think more free slef defence workshops should take place so everyone feels safe in such situations
3/25/2017 4:04 AM View respondent's answers
I think it definitely tends to be more older men as sometimes they genuinely don't see it as an offence and think they are complementing someone, but if you get annoyed at them for doing it they seem to feed off that attention.
3/24/2017 11:19 AM View respondent's answers
It comes in generations, fortunately ours is still young enough to be moulded.
3/24/2017 11:04 AM View respondent's answers
Most people will be willing to protest against it, bags with a slogan on would get it across to stupid guys in cars
3/24/2017 10:55 AM View respondent's answers
It should be considered more seriously as a formif harrassment that we feel we could tell authorities about and get a serious response or for them some kind of warning
3/24/2017 10:33 AM View respondent's answers

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