Sunday, March 5, 2017

Feedback for studio brief 2 FINISH

The 3 ideas brought to the discussion were Male Suicide awareness campaign(not promoted enough),  homelessness in Manchester campaign (as being in the city centre is extremely daunting as there is so much of it), and Sexual Harrassment focusing on both genders in the style of a Guerilla style campaign.


TUTOR FEEDBACK- as they are both such sensitive issues (male suicide and sexual harassment which I decided to take forward for further feedback and discussion), a clear direction and target audience needs to be undertaken prior research as I need factual research, especially on male suicide awareness.

To do either subject as good a justice as they need, doing it for a student target audience means I will have the right contacts and advice/opinions appropriate to create a campaign or publication to give awareness to students in a successful manor.

As discussed with my tutor, these are very serious subjects and I need to have solid factual research to take these forward and create graphic design perfectly appropriate. I want to raise awareness of these two issues, one main reason as I want to challenge myself and work to give a voice to males as much as females have around me today. The statistics I have seen on male suicide shocked me, and undertaking a challenge which compromises my natural feminine style would be brilliant for my development as a designer and meets my ethics to create positive change using my design after being inspired by the Papyrus brief.

Research for option one needs to be factual, from medical essays and reports online focusing on target audience of 18-24 year olds/students, and option 2 needs solid research but can involve anecdotes from fellow students if they choose to contribute which eradicates awkward or uncomfortable approaches on the subject. I think one of the most relevant situations of sexual harrassment in Leeds is at parties and clubs, as I have witnessed and experienced it first hand and I often step in if a friend is uncomfortable, wishing they werent too unphased to react as this means the harassers continue to act inappropriately.

ALICES FEEDBACK- better to work on something you have experienced and have understanding of rather than being on the outside looking in, especially on such sensitive subjects. Therefore male suicide may be ambitious but perhaps couldn't do it as great of justice as a male who has experienced those issues. Sexual harassment, done for males and females, can be approached more availably as you hear more about it in general discussions and a large percentage of people I have spoke to have had some form of it. Opportunity for a lot more research and inputs from people to create a very versatile, strongly inputted project.

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