Sunday, March 5, 2017

Collab interim meeting

Will complete my pattern designs, and we agreed Nanami's illustrations were more suitable for our look as a collaborating team!

With my first use of a graphics tablet, I went quite wild experimenting with our colour scheme and initial inspirations and although these are not suitable for continuation as they are very scatty and dizzy, it was a way of practicing shapes and patterns with the graphics tablet which was extremely beneficial and will move me forward in digital art and means the more inspiration of bold pattern design we discuss and find I can make our own easier. Flowers come in to my feel good design ethic a lot- which is appropriate from what we have discussed and fits the theme as flowers are very feminine for our teenage girl/young females audience and represent new beginnings and flourishing bright colours.

I attempted my animal drawings starting with otters, one of my ideas was to make two of the animals forming in to heart shapes to represent the sender and the one sent to, and unity and support intended by the card. However, seeing Nanami's illustrations we knew hers were most appropriate and fitted our vision the best! More simple and perfected.

These were beginnings of sharpie pattern experiments inspired by our moodboard. When bringing them forward, they were more appropriate to take forward and a lot of positive comments were given by fellow peers surrounding our feedback. These are still in the practicing and experimental period but gives an indication of how our backgrounds and patterns are going to start. Handwrendering was important to us as a team to start with as these produce the most unique outcomes which will enable our team to stand out in the competition and is in harmony with our 'brighten up someones day' intention with our intended sets of UK Greetings products.

We will have these characters faces central to the cards/repeated on wrapping paper/large on the part bags, and I agreed to hand draw phrases which will accompany the illustration and patterns we both spoke and agreed on, onto the card which I am very happy to do as I am currently working on doing more hand drawn typography!

The negotiation was very clear and easy to compromise as we both brought our work to the table, once we complete these tasks this week we can start putting works together and look to finalise our designs after our interim crit with other courses which is exciting and very much needed as we didn't manage to get any collaborators from other courses which I really dont want to bring our strength as a team down, so as much input as possible is crucial. Am happy however as graphic designers we have taken on the roles of fine artists and illustrators which is one of the wonderful versatilities of graphic design and was a reason I chose the subject.

Phrases to draw-
'you otter babe'- otter
'love you alotyl' - axolotyl
'sending good vibes'
'you got this girl'
'good times ahead'
'love you to the deep ocean and back' - octopus
'youre a sassy lady/ sassy card for a sassy lady - ladybird
'have the most radiant day'
'just a card to say have the best day'
'youre my star'- starfish

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