Friday, March 24, 2017

Research pointers from sources given

Design Good- experience'Forget all those stereotypes about creatives: We’re really organized and live by processes, timelines and constant communication. We’ve honed our methods through of experience.'
Choosing catcalling as my research topic opposed to others such as male suicide or successes of designers was appropriate as I have experienced it myself and am passionate about researching ways to tackle it and supporting others who have experienced it. Chose this as sexual harassment was too broad- knowing the horrible feeling and the anger I feel at those catcalling me or my friends, having the experience and being able to educate and expand on my own experiences and based off others is a brilliant opportunity, along with my ethos as a designer to be part of positive change.

Lush: “we reserve the right to civil disobedience” 'Mark Constantine, co-founder of Lush, doesn’t shy away from his company’s association with such campaigners. These small, grassroots groups are in line with Lush’s values—protecting the environment, preserving human rights, and promoting animal welfare, he tells Quartz. They are “concerned citizens” who are “absolutely central to what society is all about.”'
There are huge companies that are starting to work differently in their ethics as a brand and also have the ethos to create a positive change which I can research in to, to link my work with.
'Lush has taken such campaigning in a new direction. The Body Shop supports campaigns that are hard to disagree with, such as stopping sex trafficking. Lush is not interested in having “easy conversations” with its customers, Hilary Jones, Lush’s ethical director and herself a long-term environmental and animal-rights activist, tells Quartz.“I think that if we’re not careful, we end up preaching to the converted. I prefer to be raising issues with people who ought to be thinking about[them],” Constantine explains.'
Lush would be an unique company to link my work to as they have such a huge platform, yet want to challenge consumers rather than being obvious, always wanting to support 'the small grassroot groups.'

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