Thursday, March 30, 2017

Caribbean typography and poster inspiration

A background monoprint experiment of these subtle outfit wing detailing, as other animal prints in feedback were suggested to be involved would be too much and take away from a strong typographic design style, such as the shapes used on this background
Gradient experiments just colour and one from a feather lino print from these colour palettes to mimic the painted gradient style noticed in a few of the caribbean style images, incorporating different colours in a seamless style.

The gradient will also represent a sunset often shown in Carribean style photos and often with connotations to people's associatons with the Caribbean in England who will be viewing the piece. Despite this, stereotypes aren't followed from stereotypes and are informed by images of the carnival only as appropriation wouldn't be what I'd want to create. Also not focusing on certain islands like Jamaica in style is important as it is about uniting the Carribean in unity with Leeds. Basing my design decisions off the outfits is a strong lead without risk of appropriation as it is their traditional showcase of celebration and is the forefront of the Carnival.

Want to do as many experiments as possible, but if I am not paid this month it may be difficult to buy certain materials. It is a breakthrough today by being really excited to experiment and create this piece, especially in it's method as I said I would avoid screenprint at all costs but my mistakes from last time have taught me a lesson!

Traditional print is a test of time management and patience, but this week I am determined to make a lot of backgrounds combination of gradients, some monoprinted with shapes of the outfits, and incorporation of the feathers as I feel they are a huge element of the carnivals history, with the first outfits being to hard to obtain feathers for the founder had to pluck chickens to get them for the outfits and is symbolism of how much the carnival has kept growing and uniting Leeds. Having the phrase '50 years of unity' showcases the celebratory aspect we need to achieve with our piece and focuses on the milestone.

A lot of experimentation with these ideas needs to be done to make sure it is celebratory, and instantly communicates it is for the Leeds Carnival. Type has been chosen to be central as the carnival has reached a milestone that needs to be communicated, along with a mix of what the carnival brings to Leeds in the right exciting energy of the carnival.

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