Monday, October 30, 2017

Brief 2: Getting more stories for series

Although my survey got 29 responses, I still feel I do not have enough content to start up a body positivity Instagram/social media page which will need more to gain momentum and turn in to a continuous page where hopefully I can take submissions regularly to post. This will create an online space which is positive rather than comparisons to others on social media.

I have found a charity called The Mix which is well respected with so many diverse advice pages, representing under 25's mental health struggles which are profoundly on the rise. Have posted in the discussion boards in hope I can get more stories from a wider range of my target audience.

'Hey guys,

I'm wanting to create a positive space online where so much self comparison happens constantly. Mental Health issues are on the rise and social media is the most likely culprit as we look to others for how to be and how we want to be which can have so many pressures.

I really would love stories from you all on something you didn't love about yourself, why this was, and how you've overcome this. By sharing these stories we can help others love themselves. We need more positivity on social media! If you could get involved and share without your name being used I want to create accompanying artworks/photographs that represent your story.

Thank you,

I have also contacted a variety of collectives/empowering groups on Instagram with no response so far.

Working on projects relying on other's inputs has proved very difficult and makes me reconsider doing this in the future.

1/11/17 One response so far: 
Great idea! Mine's a bit of a funny one. I used to have a 'friend', growing up, that would always mention how massive my hips are (cheers, 'friend') - looking back this is pretty bad, but she used to play Shakiras song 'hips don't lie' to me all the time thinking it was funny  I was pretty self conscious about it while at school. When I went into 6th form and uni and didn't see her anymore... No one mentioned it anymore and actually I just completely forgot about it. I'm laughing looking back at it!

I overcame that by just focusing on other things (life's too short!!!!) and I realised over time there was and is absolutely nothing wrong with my hips 

- Lucy

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