Monday, October 23, 2017

Today's crit 23/10 and current brief plan

I arranged a small crit today as I had questions about projects that needed other valuable feedback and perspectives

Self Empowerment series: Making this in to an ongoing instagram sharing the stories and asking for submissions continuously could turn in to a really great platform for body positivity which is seen on Instagram pages and are praised. This means this can break between all the images we see comparing ourselves to 'picture perfect' models of Instagram, as Instagram is one of the main platforms people aim to look their best through angles and editing. This will also include collages and other art that can be submitted as well as stories therefore taking a different collective approach rather than one person.
Through my comment box survey I have obtained 29 answers but not all as whole an answer as I wanted perhaps due to my wording. I am going to try and ask people throughout the next few days in person as I can gather more detailed answers and will promise anonymity. This is also more environmentally friendly using a digital platform rather than printing a publication which won't have the same impact anyway as they need to be chosen to be picked up.

In the future when collecting data like this using a comment box allowing the person to write as much as they want, I should split the question up so it is clearer as I think this held the answers back abit having one large question and one comment box as I wanted the past experience/how they overcame together as one answer.

Perfume Series- create main typographic piece using vintage type and pattern, and digital illustration for the other to give to different approaches as words can be made very enticing and the buyer can see the features of the perfume enhanced. The other can be titled and whichever the client likes can develop further. I aim to have this done by the end of October so I have started a pattern already.

Manchester Music: Now the songs have been arranged with my collaborator after meeting to discuss our direction, those in the crit group liked that we didn't choose too obvious songs and suggested just to approach like Secret 7 and to draw out as many sketch ideas as possible before starting an actual poster. Instead of an exhibition, another peer suggested Twenty Twenty Two's, a popular spot in the Northern Quarter of Manchester which instead of an exhibition will display work over a long period of time for their establishment and could possibly sell pieces which would be amazing.


Name: Hannah Rottger

I want my portfolio to showcase bold, engaging, vibrant graphic design and illustration that makes a positive impact socially and looks at cultural issues. Helping others and involving the community are the best ways in my opinion to create valuable, versatile and unique graphic design projects.
Brief one Proper Perfume Advertising:
Generally speaking, we associate big perfume brands with the celebrity they are endorsed by rather than the scent itself. Within this project, I want to work with an independent perfume maker and elevate their brand and work with them discussing the ingredients, smells and colours of their products to create a true visual representation of the perfumes makeup to give consumers a true idea of the scent. As these are bought online also, the information listed is the only way to imagine the scent or if they get the chance to go to independent fairs.
This project will support my aims to make scents identifiable and delicious whilst giving an independent business designs to use for their brand and within promotions of it.

Time frame: Until October 31st

Brief two Self-Empowerment Series:
Obtain feedback from those I engage with on a day to day basis and from social media, on their own struggles with self image and body positivity and see how they overcame these to create a digital platform in which their self empowerment stories can be shared with those who may be secretly suffering, which according to research is a staggering amount due to social media use. Having this on a digital platform means there can be a part of their browsing that promotes positive self image. Using photography/illustration/collage based on their stories can visually express people’s mixed up perceptions of themselves etc.

Time frame: Until end of November

Brief three Female Artist Zine:
To accompany my critical writing piece, speaking to female creatives through networking and interaction with upcoming artists I can find out the current state of the gender gap within the creative industry through their experiences, and share these stories in a very 90’s riot grrl style zine in ode to the movement I have been researching for my writing piece.
The style itself is bold and exudes power and revolutionary visuals. Can include photography/mixed media.
Time frame: Until Christmas Break

Brief four See Red inspired traditional prints:
Contemporary versions of See Red style posters based on research from my critical writing and zine. I aim to improve my traditional print skills this year and through this that can be achieved.
Time frame: Until end of January

Brief five YCN/Penguin Competition Briefs:

Time frame: End of January

Brief six SECRET 7:

Time frame: Mid February

Brief seven Frazzled Café Leeds/mental health in graphic design Research Project (Unknown):
As there is so much to research about the relation of mental health and graphic design, I want to explore whilst working on a campaign for Frazzled Café, the ways graphic design can be used in spaces for therapeutic affects and the psychology of certain colours/type. Will get an in depth insight in to how graphic designers achieve this to create a powerful campaign that can help people suffering with mental health related issues.

Time frame: Until end of March

Brief eight Exhibition Collab and others
Time frame: End of year

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