Monday, October 23, 2017

Brief 10 Research Project-'Spaces For Healing' extract from 'Sister' Magazine for mental health project

''The therapeutic space offers a site in which to unearth what has been concealed by performance. It is a space to explore our inner worlds with another person and to shine a light on the things that bother us in quiet moments; before sleep and even in real sleep.
The line between the theatrical and the real in society is becoming increasingly blurred and this is having  a hugely damaging impact on our collective mental health.
It is vital that society creates spaces, outside of our bedrooms, that can be free from performance. Spaces for the difficult bits to be explored and to be tolerated by another person.'-

'CBT has become a one-size fits all quick fix that looks good on paper and while I do not doubt it can be helpful for some, it cannot become a replacement for those that require long term (talking psychotherapies and creative psychotherapies'-

Article 'Space For Healing' by Art Psychotherapist Kirsty Robson

Reinforces the relevance and importance of the surrounding space of therapy, allowing the person to ease up from having to 'perform' day to day and switching off to open up. She uses the example of bedroom space as it's where people can feel completely switched off and themselves.

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