Friday, October 6, 2017

Brief 2: Self Empowerment Series proposal and initial links/statistics

Rates of self harm and eating disorders are rising in young women, often associated with the fact this generation is so closely tied with social media from a young age.

A UK study has revealed that between 2011 and 2014, reports of self-harm among girls in Britain aged 13 to 16 rose by 68%.The figures come from data collated by researchers from the University of Manchester.

'Psychological distress in women aged 16-24 is at an all-time high, with record numbers admitting to harming themselves to relieve their distress, according to an alarming study.'

Designing to spread self love and appreciation are at an all time use it appears- so I intend to interview friends and fellow students, those I network with, and try to get a shoot of them 'feeling their best'. I want to share their stories of how they have overcome body image issues/self doubt and how they continue to do this and amplify they are successful strong and try and show there is common ground between a lot of young women and try and show support.

Girl-Catherine Driscoll 2002}
'In girls magazines, moreover, this picture or totality is a collage surface like the surface presented by any given page in the genre, laying out images, words, and advertisements in barely differentiated proximity to each other.'

-Can involve illustrations
-Photographs if some participants don't want to be anon
-Collage/mixed media using media images given to us everyday

-Try and make in to a digital spread as there can be so much pressure on social media, show them something positive instead

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