Monday, October 16, 2017

Brief 1: Perfume live brief requirements

The Brief: To create social media ads for Fairypants' Perfume Cocktail set that showcases their unique, fruity ingredients and showcase the unique colours of the cocktails to entice customers to buy. Make it so the designs are delicious and give the customer a visual scent, as it is an online shop most buyers cannot smell before they buy. This collateral needs to also be appropriate to use for advertising at the owners fairs in which she sells her products. They must look distinct to each perfume cocktail but come as a retro inspired set to work with the Fairypants' current branding.

Natalie from a brilliant independent vegan cosmetics shop on Etsy named 'Fairypants' has replied and designs will now be under way. She said from the start she was all in to get involved and I asked which range of perfume she would like me to undertake, and which format she would like the designs in which I did to make sure the client was getting what she needed and specifying the requirements for the brief I will undertake.

Natalie would like me to look at the 'Cocktail' range of perfumes which contain 5 distinct perfumes. What got me interested in Natalie's brand was her existing branding which I feel represents her and her brand really well and I can see that she is open to quite bold, colourful and feminine design.

What I really want to achieve is to enable to buyer of the product to get a really great indication of the smell of the perfume down to its core ingredients as well as the names of them. One limitation is that I can not smell them so by sharing my designs and keeping in touch we can work with feedback until she is happy with the outcomes that can be used for social media advertising for her company.

The scents I will be working with in the Cocktail range include-
Pina Colada
Strawberry Bellini
Cuba Libre
Irish Cream
Moscow Mule

Her existing branding will be taken in to consideration. She was kind enough to send over some new advertising campaigns for her other products to give an idea of her love for vintage/pinup which I really love seeing also and is something that attracted me to her brand. Sticking to vintage style hand written type and also keeping the colours quite sepia'd would go in sync with her existing branding.

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