Friday, October 13, 2017

Brief 1: Real Perfume Advertising update and alternative perfume advertising 13/10

Waiting for second replies regarding designing for independent Etsy companies
One offered to pay, of which I have asked for a budget and no response as of yet

Another brand was very on board with the idea and has 3 ranges of 5 scents which I have offered for her to pick out or to do all 3 ranges, asked which format she wants them in, no response as of yet

While I am waiting on this live brief I will continue to research in to alternative perfume advertising

Through a broad range of researching perfume advertisements, big brand model endorsements or illustrated, they all have a 'face' of the perfume throughout the decades (examples below)
This is due to the desirability factor that comes with perfume, wanting to emulate these beautiful women by smelling like them which in modern day has moved on to celebrity endorsements of which don't actually represent the perfumes scent. Although products will be bought due to the endorsement which will be argued is still a successful way of selling, I want to look at an alternative way that makes the product look so delicious and vibrant they can almost smell it by looking at the ad.

"All perfume adverts look the same. This makes the product recognisable, but it prevents particular brand awareness. It becomes difficult to distinguish one designer from the other, let alone remember the name."

These are alternative perfume advertisements I have found which represent the ingredients/scents/colours/target audience

Jo Malones cologne ads are a wonderful example of a set of visually rich and appealing identifiable scents that allow the viewer to imagine the smell and really get an insight in to the scent and it's ingredients whilst selling the product well- without using models.

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