Monday, October 9, 2017

Brief 2: Self Empowerment series to do list

For end of October
-Get submissions from fellow students in conversation or posting on groups (done), while networking for other projects (such as going to Girl Talk event at Brunswick), asking people at work, asking family (would be great to get a more in depth look at body issues throughout previous decades and see how these are still relevant today) done
-Collect/buy magazines and newspapers to collage with based on their quote done

Depending on submissions, this can be unisex or female focused and the collages will focus on using collage from magazines/newspapers which still like to portray women a certain way. Age range also depends on who can give me quotes. Collages of these can represent all the mixed feelings. Have old Bratz dolls which I can also incorporate by sticking or drawing aspects to them such as surgery lines, surgical needles, enhanced body parts. Making this an online series in the style sites such as Missguided use for online zines would be ideal as I want to have digital design in my portfolio and by having these online which is blamed for a rise in mental health problems in young people (due to social media pressures) this can be a part of breaking that feed.

Before end of November, gather more stories and start to collage/set up the sharing space online

Collages from printed media represent the mixed up views we have on our body image and disproportioned information and influence.

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