Friday, April 22, 2016

60s typeface experiments

After our first presentation as well as being told to cut a few parts out, the main typeface I had chosen was an issue as it extremely similar to one used in the Mexico olympics which I was unaware of.

this website shows fonts being used commercially and there are so many I wanted to try and use but the issue is you have to buy them.

As the 60s themed typefaces became too gimmicky when put in to my composition, as a group we decided to really take the advice on board as a whole and really simplify our design; the typeface, the colour scheme and the variety of work we had contributed. Despite my poster designs not being taken forward to the second presentation, I do really love the boldness and pop of the designs and am proud of the style but Annas new designs are embodiments of adjustments based on main feedback we received.

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