Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Notes success and group feedback

We learnt yesterday that we had been one of the successful 4 teams out of 11 which is an amazing feeling and I feel my group has achieved so much and all the work we put in was worth it. I feel we really were successful at meeting up and balancing the workload producing a variety of designs from each person even prompting the feedback we perhaps had too much, which is obviously better than not enough at all! Although I feel slightly disheartened my designs and my decision to use the mexcellent typeface was not successful and am unsure that I have contributed successful attributes, my group is a great one to be in and we have made it to the final groups which makes the effort we put in worth it.

We focused on using halftone style relating to 60s inspired theme and has a texture of the banknote applying to the windows to add colour to the space but not distract from artwork, and to also match the brutalist 60s architecture of the bank house. In latest feedback we are told to expand on halftones more for its unique effect.

Our new exhibition identity of Notes, with the stripped down 60s inspired colour scheme giving the branding a variety of popping distinctive colours but with the new typeface not making it over the top. Having a square format for everything from the invites to the boxes gives us a unique design point so we will implement this for the presentation next week.

Notes I made from feedback:
Boxed wayfinding
needs consistency in square format
having triple 'notes' is confusing
type is too thin, use bold version
CMYK halftone should be implemented and matches our art theme 
5-7 minute presentation
traditional print of branding would be ideal, matches our artworks traditional print rule
using the buildings architecture as 60s inspo gives us our rationale therefore we don't need to expand on why we were inspired by the 60s from now on
we demonstrated a lot of ambition through our presentations

The plan for the group now is to produce a mockup of the box dividers, use a bolder typeface, explore halftone and CMYK colour separation through the design identity and move forward from the Warhol inspiration to make a truly unique identity to showcase to the exhibitions sponsors First Direct.

As for myself as my designs aren't primarily being taken forward I have made it clear I am willing to assist in any design production and experimentation once we have shared new design ideas and inspo. I will feel terrible if I feel I am not contributing as much, but at this more final stage idea are discarded whilst others move forward on which we all have our input. I am always willing to give my opinion and support and am dedicated in assisting before completing other work as working as a team has to be fair and is crucial now we have made it this far!

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