Thursday, April 28, 2016

Exhibition Branding Evaluation

For this brief, to say I had never once doubted anyone in my group and their efforts, and the fact we had consistent thorough communication I never doubted we wouldn't be successful in having a distinct well backed up exhibition identity produced.

During these few weeks, there have been many changes made which all derived from initial discussions which due to the amount of us and the varied talents were so many initial concepts! Choosing the 60s inspired theme was a strong choice as we had the colour scheme and personality to build upon that I felt would be very different to others and matched the exhibitions theme so well, turning the old in to new. A modern retake on a well known old design concept got me excited to start designing. As documented on the contrast, my main role within the group was to design the posters influencing the logo and identity of the exhibition. I was and still am very proud of my initial poster designs even though the typeface let this down.

A mistake I made due to personal time management issues of working on other projects was not acting fast enough in re designing these posters which needed to be stripped back and using a newer typeface, of which as a group ideas were shared and agreed on. Although I was always available for feedback and in communication, as this was agreed as my main role I should have put more effort in to produce ideas for a new identity despite our newer one being agreed on by us all.

The group is a very strong one with everyones strengths being put to use in the right ways, and at the point of turning our identity around I felt lost as my strength is making a bold design which wasn't appropriate for this brief as a whole, so I tried my hardest to contribute to ideas and discussions as much as I possibly could as I felt bad for not putting in as much effort as the others due to personal issues I have been facing.

Despite this, after our second presentation, we were picked and I am just so glad as everybody worked so hard! Our final identity as shown in this blog post matches my personal branding aims to modernise and create a branding that displayed variation and originality of art students skills and incorporating halftones and bursts of contrasting colours. The framing is also a technique I have used in the past which is a successful way of giving the branding it's stamp and framing the finer details and adding strong distinction between the frame and the art detailing. The typeface is also stripped back without being too thin which I was really worried about and tried to steer away from throughout thorough discussions on our Facebook chat which was used by us all daily, as well as meeting up most days throughout 2 weeks.

I would have loved the light box idea to have been pushed forward to use on the vents as a social media attraction and lighting effect within the exhibit, however the window covers will do this and were a very praised feature within our presentation feedback. Features such as this are crucial in making the exhibition more than average and as our definite audience will be students from LCA, i know art combined with light is a very popular feature to post on social media and hashtag events therefore promoting the exhibition such as Headrow Houses light boxes.

This experience has been amazing and I am admirable and content with my group, it is just unfortunate that I didn't pull the weight as much as I should have done and this is a crucial lesson. Despite being successful, I myself don't feel successful which I would not want to happen again in the future.

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