Thursday, April 7, 2016

Zine Inspiration

I unexpectedly received a zine by one of the artists I represent in my zine, Mel Stringer, for my birthday in which she showcases fellow female artists aswell, called 'Girl Glue' which is the second edition!

I knew she made zines but I had no idea she did this kind of edition, and it was brilliant to receive this and see how it was laid out and what she included. An aspect of it I didn't really like was that all inside was in black and white probably to save money, and although the information was personal to each artist and inspiring to other creatives like i want mine to be, and distincts the artists different styles, being in colour is a must for me. It shows that colour within my zine is very important as it takes up the majority of the pages with only inspirational quotes, done in a formal typeface like in this zine which was reassuring to see as I felt this might be boring for the creative freedom of a zine but looks clear and sophisticated and allows the work to be showcased well.

This truly amazing coincidence has given me reassurance in my layout style and consideration of space I have used and what this layout does for the work itself. Mine doesn't have as much information as this was cut down due to not getting responses from all artists, but this hasn't disheartened me and I can't wait to see it printed and have all the pages in colour, which for this zine was a slight disappointment.

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