Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Studio Brief 4 Initial Designs

Colour contrast basic use of betas neue a modern striking contemporary typeface similar to the one used in the piece I am using for my colour palette
A typeface dedicated to gridding, fits in with how the students will be first introduced to type height and layout design

Fitting the quote more, having fun with the tones of the colours I am contrasting displaying the variation of tones and colour mixing and the gradient is soft but striking and doesn't make the text illegible
Using this with the grid typeface doesn't have the same modern contemporary effect and I feel it doesn't fit the popular more modernist style that first years if not already will be introduced to through each other which was new to me.

I feel like the 3d effect is too much with the gradient background which I am really loving creating due to the soft tones, and the white would be more preferred due to contrast and legibility and will be safer to print digitally...

A very early stage of a guide to design board order I used the colour palette within and contrasting colour. At the start of the year many people were unsure of which order design boards went in probably due to sheer panic so this would be a useful part of my design. I am still unsure of the production outcome and don't know how I will fit this all in and have issues fitting the type and finding another I think fits within the consistency.

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